2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning

The 2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning for Grade 1, published by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), can be downloaded at the following links:

(Word version) (PDF version)

The VDOE has also provided an Understanding the Standards document to further define the content knowledge, skills, and understandings of the Standards of Learning. 

The Understanding the Standards for Grade 1 can be downloaded at the following links:

(Word version) (PDF version)

Scope and Sequence

Throughout our documents, there will be references to standards explored, standards taught to proficiency, and standards for targeted review.  

Standards explored refers to standards that are given limited coverage in the unit. The purpose of explored standards will vary by unit, but often provides opportunities for students to make connections between different mathematical ideas or begin thinking about new concepts.

Standards taught to proficiency are those that should be completely covered (to the given limiter if appropriate) by the end of the unit.T hese are standards that could be included on an end of unit assessment.

Standards for targeted review are those that were taught to proficiency in a previous unit. They are revisited to allow for students to review the concept or to make new connections. 

The timeframe for Math 1 is based on a 36-week school year.

Math1_Scope and Sequence_Final

Standards Progression

For best results, open this spreadsheet in a new window. 

Math1_Standards Progression Final